Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Haircut ideas: Asian girl, teenager, big forehead, straight black hair?

Hi! Can anyone give me suggestions on how to get my hair cut?

I have long black hair. It's kinda coarse, not silky smooth. But it's not too bad.

I have a huge forehead that gets oily sometimes (I can fit all five fingers across it!) and I want to cover that up.

Any ideas?

Thank you.Haircut ideas: Asian girl, teenager, big forehead, straight black hair?
round face eh?

im not an expert cuz im a guy but as an asian i know lots of asian girls soo yea..

anyways.... since u have big oily forhead, definitly no straight bangs out front.

if u have big round eyes, get short hair. jst straight.. maybe like hebe tian's older hair:鈥?/a>

if u have smaller eyes, jst grow it out to like ur.. breast area and then u can like curl the ends to make it like...鈥?/a>

but jst NVR EVER do bowl cuts! or the egyptian cuts... those r HIDEAOUS and turn off to normal guys.Haircut ideas: Asian girl, teenager, big forehead, straight black hair?
I'm not positive if this would work since you have oily skin...?

But, get straigh across bangs! They'll be perfect for you!

If long hair bugs you in the summer, you can get it cut shorter? Or keep the length. Maybe layers.
get strait across bangs. right up to your eye brow. It looks really pretty with thick hair especially. And your hair should be either strait down your back or layered and choppy.

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